STAR-GOAT: The Leading Edge in Aerospace Testing

A flexible software for Aerospace Systems' sequence control and execution

STAR-GOAT is packed with features designed to streamline high-speed I/O monitoring and control for your Aerospace test systems. With user-friendly GUIs, you can easily configure acquisition, logging, and control logic. It also boasts custom scaling, virtual channels, and calculated channels to meet the most diverse needs. Visualize I/O signals in tables and historical plots, saving and recalling custom channel lists at will.


STAR-GOAT supports PXI and CompactRIO systems from NI



STAR-GOAT: Elevating Aerospace Testing

STAR-GOAT effortlessly blends with NI Linux Real-Time OS and Windows OS, enabling high-speed sequencing and control determinism. This opens up new horizons for system performance and efficiency. Time to take your Aerospace testing to new heights!


data acquisistion computer network

Define: Discover & Create

• Discover and create IO signals for DAQ hardware using NI DAQmx driver

• High-Level GUIs for acquisition, logging, and control logic configuration

• Define custom scaling, virtual channels, and calculated channels

rocket engine tester

Control: Precision & Adaptability

• High-speed, deterministic sequences on NI Linux RT

• Detect and react to high-speed events

• Run multiple high-speed, deterministic control loops

• Select from multiple industry-standard control strategies (Bang Bang, PID, FFT)

data graph visualization

Monitor: Insight & Control

• Visualize IO signals in tables and historical plots

• Create custom “codeless” P&ID diagrams

• High-speed and multi-rate data logging

• Ability to tare (zero) live data channels

Meeting the Requirements of the Demanding Aerospace Industry

The Aerospace industry demands precision, reliability, and efficiency. STAR-GOAT delivers on all fronts. STAR-GOAT has been successfully implemented in multiple mission-critical applications including satellite thruster test stands. With STAR-GOAT, you are empowered to handle high-speed, deterministic sequences and react to high-speed events effortlessly.


It's time to elevate your mission success with STAR-GOAT. Request a demo today!